Sunday, September 17, 2017

Fall is the Perfect Time for Photos

Today Michael and I took some new pictures together for our blog and YouTube Channel.
We went to Oak Park downtown which is absolutely stunning this time of year!
It had just rained the last 3 days so everything was green and damp, and looked less dry and colorful than the fall scene I was expecting. But the weather forecast said this was probably the last sunny day for awhile so we decided not to put these pictures off any longer. Even with it being a nice sunny day, it was less than 60 degrees and the breeze had that 'hint of winter' chill to it.
Im really happy with how these turned out though, and believe it or not I didnt add saturation to these pictures! The color balance on the camera may have added to the depth of the color, but it really is this beautiful in real life! Its one of those places I wish I could share with our family who are so far away.

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