Sunday, December 25, 2016

Merry Christmas 2016

Our 3rd Christmas together. 
Michael was told he would more than likely have to work Christmas. So we decided to celebrate our Christmas a day early and open our gifts on Christmas eve.
On Christmas "Adam" Michael wanted e to open one of my gifts. lol He is terrible with surprises and anticipation. So I got my schnauzer slippers 2 days early. But I LOVE THEM! I told him that he is "Winning at Christmas" and it is the perfect gift.
We made brownies and cookies (and bought some cuter christmas cookies to add) and made little gifts for our neighbors and friends.
We didnt have a tree (I refuse to set one up again) so we stacked our gifts on the desk. As soon as we woke up on Christmas Eve Michael wanted to open the gifts. So we ripped open all our presents before we even got out of bed. Im glad he still gets so excited.
After we got our presents we went and got breakfast. Then we delivered our cookie tin gifts to everyone. And hung out at the house and watched movies all day.

 Christmas morning I woke up to the traditional phone call from my little brothers telling me I have 10 minutes to get on Skype so they could open their gifts. 
Its nice to know that Christmas hasen't changed at all since it was when I was a kid at home. I think its more fun to be the adult watching the excitement sometimes.
I recorded the FaceTime video of them opening gifts and it is on our YouTube Channel. You can click HERE to watch it.

We almost bought a Turkey the other day... but I don't know how to cook one haha Plus Im pretty sure you need a special pot which I don't have. So we decided on Roast instead. Christmas Roast sounds like a legit thing. 

As soon as all our families get home from church we are going to Skype everyone and see how they are. I really hope next Christmas we can spend it with the family. 

Christmas night we have plans to go to the Oak Park Light Show. Which is basically the city's display of Christmas lights they charge you to drive through to raise money for charity. Its really cool and Ive waned to go all month. So Im excited for it.


1 comment:

  1. Your establishing wonderful Christmas traditions. It warms my heart to see the love you two share and the good things that you do.
