Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Our Second Anniversary

Today Michael and I are celebrating our 2nd Wedding Anniversary. 
So much has happened this last year. We got a new puppy. Got a car. Explored our new home state. Traveled to visit family. My sister came and lived with us for part of the summer. We adopted a cat. We went swimming in Canadian water. lol Just so many little adventures. 
With as much time as we spend working and just taking care of our place and things out here Im surprised at how many adventures we did have.
Michael got me a new bead for my charm bracelet.

Since our anniversary is so close to the new year anyways I like to make a "Year in Review" kind of slideshow to save all those pictures and share them with family. I got this idea from my In-laws who made a family slideshow the first couple years I was in the family. So Im making our own tradition of doing so. If you would like to watch the video I posted it below and it is on our YouTube channel as well.
Thank you to all of you who are part of our lives.
 2016 has been a pretty good year for us, and we have high hopes for 2017.

1 comment:

  1. Love your post! Glad to see that you guys do so many wonderful things! Love You!
