So last night our little monsters had a scary incident.
I had poured some strong bleach water in a pot of left over pasta (I had pasta smell! Ew!)
I had set it outside so it could soak and I could clean it when I got back from work, but it would be safe from the dogs. But when I got home I opened the balcony to let in the fresh air and the dogs rushed out and went straight for the pasta.
I thought dogs would naturally avoid bleach, but apparently they really wanted that food.
I pulled them away instantly, but they had lapped up a good amount.
I rushed them inside and gave hem food and water to help absorb the bleach, and then nothing happened so I hoped we were safe.
About 2 hours later they started to throw up so we called the emergency vet.
She had us give them milk, and check them for chemical burns, but said to just let them get it out.
So ALL. NIGHT. LONG. we stayed up and watched them.
They had to be on the tile floor, and they got sick like every 20 mins!
Luckily today they are back to their normal selfs and as long as everything stays normal for the next few days they will be ok.
It was scary to sit there all night just watching and hoping they would be ok. These are my babies!
I felt so bad for putting bleach down, and Im definatly more cautious now.
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